The first 2-3 months are undoubtedly the hardest. However be reassured after which, I found the pressure noticeably eased with every day that passed. Though hearing this now would be of little use to you. You are in survival mode, and each day is excruciatingly slow.

You are most likely still exhausted. Please be kind to yourself. You are at a stage where you must take life one day at a time and you deserve all the help and comforts you can afford yourself

The loss of a loved one by suicide is often shocking, painful and unexpected. The grief that ensues can be intense, complex, and long term

Grief work is an extremely individual and unique process; each person will experience it in their own way and at their own pace.

There is no time frame for grief. Survivors should not expect that their lives will return to their prior state. Survivors MUST aim to adjust to life without their loved one. – Survivors of suicide fact sheet

One month can seem like an eternity, given each day waking hour is chock a block full of such powerful emotions; Sadness, confusion, guilt, despair and as mentioned above, a intense, complex period of Grief, which has no time frame, as it is an entirely individual and unique process. But if you can, find hope that with time your stress will ease.

“No one has a magnet on their fridge door that says ‘if some one you love just committed suicide call this number’…”

-Brandy Brooks, Grief and Healing after Suicide, Youtube

Ironically probably every household in Australia has now been given prevention “fridge magnets”, but they probably don’t seem much help now. Very few know where to turn in the aftermath of a suicide.(As such, I found this phrase above in the first place i could turn, the internet and particularly Youtube). 

  • If you are wondering just what the hell you are going to do now this has happened
  • Particularly if your loved ones death was a complete shock, And how on earth you are ever going to cope with this?
  • What do I expect now and over the next few months?
  • This website is a chronological record of my own experience of what you might expect over weeks, months and beyond.
  • It may be useful as kind of checklist, which may help relieve your poor brain of what to do and when.